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  • S.V. Ciriacy-Wantrup博士后, 环境政策, 加州大学伯克利分校, 1998-2000
  • Ph.D., Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1996
  • M.A., Sociology, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1991
  • B.A. (Honors College), Independent Scholar, with distinction, University of Oregon, 1973


  • Sociology of environment and natural resources
  • Comparative environmental politics; illiberalism
  • 跨界水治理
  • Sustainable development; sustainable transitions
  • East/ Southeast Asia; Africa; the Middle East
  • 实地、历史和混合研究方法

  • 泰勒,彼得·利,还有 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, eds. 2018. Water Crises and Governance: Reinventing Collaborative Institutions in an Era of Uncertainty. 伦敦和纽约:劳特利奇出版社. [link
  • Lockie,斯图尔特, 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德和Dana R. 费舍尔,eds. 2014. Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change. 伦敦和纽约:劳特利奇出版社. [link]
  • 奥斯特维尔,彼得,还有 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德. 2012. 食品、全球化和可持续性. 伦敦和纽约:Earthscan/ Routledge. [link]
  • 摩尔,阿瑟·P.J., 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德Gert Spaargaren,编辑. 2009. The Ecological Modernisation Reader: Environmental Reform in Theory and Practice. 伦敦和纽约:劳特利奇出版社. [link]
  • 史密斯,泰德, 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德,大卫?. ·赔了咯,eds. 2006. Challenging the Chip: Labor Rights and Environmental Justice in the Global Electronics Industry. 费城:天普大学出版社. [link]
  • 摩尔,阿瑟·P.J., 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, eds. 2000. Ecological Modernisation around the World: Perspectives and Critical Debates. London and Portland, Oregon: Frank Cass/ Taylor & 弗朗西斯. [link]


  • Matose, Frank; Fonjong, Lotsmart; and 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, eds. (即将出版). Special Issue on "Conservation, 自然资源, Environmental Protection in Africa," 社会 & 自然资源 [呼叫]
  • Fonjong, Lotsmart; Frank Matose; and 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, eds. 2024. Special Issue on "Climate Change Adaptation and Policy Response in Africa," 全球环境变化 (新闻) 
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德.唐纳德·J. 休斯, 还有莱尼·西格尔, 组织者, "Toward a Policy Agenda for Targeted and Non-Targeted Industrial PFAS Discharges,分组讨论1A, Annual Meeting of the NYS Center of Excellence on Healthy Water Solutions, 5月15 - 16, 2024 [相依. 网站; 会议记录]
  • Fonjong, Lotsmart, Frank Matose,还有 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, 组织者, "Weathering Extremes: African Environmental Politics in a Destabilized World,虚拟研讨会, 5月26 - 27日, 2021 [征集摘要; 摩天观景轮; 程序]
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德.彼得·利·泰勒主编. 2018. Special Issue on "社会 and 自然资源 in an Illiberal World," 社会 & 自然资源 31(5),五月. [link]
  • 泰勒,彼得·利,还有 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, eds. 2017. “水危机”特刊 & Institutions: Governance Challenges in an Era of Uncertainty," 社会 & 自然资源 四月三十日(4)日link]
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德.和Arthur P.J. 摩尔,eds. 2011. Symposium on "Social Theory and the Environment in the New World (dis)Order", 全球环境变化,卷. 21, No. 3(八月)[link]
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德., ed. 2008. Special Issue on "Globalisation and Environmental Governance," 全球环境变化,卷. 18, No. 3(八月)[link]
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德., 和Stewart Lockie编. 2008. Special Issue on "Communities, 自然资源, Environments," 当地环境,卷. 13, No. 5(七月)[link]
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德., 和Arthur P.J. 摩尔,eds. 2006. Special Issue on "Environmental Reform in Asia," 环境与发展杂志,卷. 15, No. 2(六月)[link]
  • 大卫·索南菲尔德., 和Arthur P.J. 摩尔,eds. 2002. Special Issue on "Globalization, Governance, the Environment," 美国行为科学家,卷. 45, No. 5月9日[link]

最近的文章 & 章

  • 哦,杨敏,还有 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德. 2024. "New Possibilities for Climate Action in East Asia? The Role of Non-State Actors in China, South Korea, Japan.” Ch. 28 in 牛津气候行动手册, ed. 保罗·阿尔梅达. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press (即将出版). 
  • Fonjong, Lotsmart, Frank Matose,还有 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德. 2024. “Climate Change in Africa: Impacts, Adaptation, Policy Responses,” 全球环境变化 (新闻). DOI: http://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2024.102912
  • 奎格利,戴安 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, 菲尔·布朗和特雷西·费雷拉. 2022. “Redefining Ethics and Ethics 研究 Directions for Environmental Studies/ Sciences from Student Evaluations,” 环境研究与科学杂志 12(十二月):739-755. [link]
  • *盖洛普,劳拉, 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德法里德·达杜-格巴斯. 2020. "Mangrove Use and Management within the Sine-Saloum Delta, Senegal," 海洋 & 沿海管理 185(3月):105001. [link]
  • 奎格利,黛安,*阿兰娜·莱文, 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, Phil Brown, *Qing Tian,和Xiaofan Wei. 2019. "Survey on Using Ethical Principles in Environmental Field 研究 with Place-Based Communities," 科学与工程伦理 25 (2): 477-517. [link]
  • Zhang, Wei, Lei Zhang, Ying Li, *Yuling Tian, *Xiaoran Li, *Xue Zhang, Arthur P.J. 摩尔, 大卫. 桑尼菲尔德, 刘建国,*平泽玉,陈龙. 2018. "Neglected Environmental Health Impacts of China's Supply-side Structural Reform," 国际环境 115(六月):97-103. [link]
  • 桑尼菲尔德大卫.彼得·利·泰勒. 2018. "Liberalism, Illiberalism, the Environment," 社会 & 自然资源 31 (5): 515-524. [link]


  • EST 203,社会学概论(3)
  • EST 494, Senior Seminar in Environmental Studies (1)
  • EST 470/ 670, Water in the Middle East: Issues and Opportunities (3)
  • EST 690, International 环境政策 Consultancy (with Wageningen Univ. & 万朗大学.) (3-4) [article]
  • EST 797, Environmental Studies Seminar: 研究 Methods (1)



  • Loeffelholz, 玛丽, "From a Human-only Perspective to an Inclusive Approach through Intrinsic Identity and Future-Oriented Concepts: Conceptualizations of Rivers in Three International River Basin Organizations," Environmental Science (Environmental and 自然资源 Policy), 养, 2023(主持)
  • 瑞娜·凯登,<冷和平的风景. Post-相依lict Environmental Cooperation: 以色列 and Jordan,“社会科学学院, 耶路撒冷的希伯来大学, 以色列, 2022
  • Ekoh, 苏珊, ”漏洞, 洪水风险认知, Future Migration Intentions among Coastal Residents of Lagos, 尼日利亚," Environmental Science (Environmental and 自然资源 Policy), 养, 2021
  • 首歌, Jongdae, "A Holistic Approach to Analyzing the Effectiveness of Government-sponsored Voluntary Environmental Programs: Evidence from Manufacturing Industries in South Korea, 2005-2017," Environmental Science (Environmental and 自然资源 Policy, 养, 2021(主持)
  • 富恩特斯·维埃拉,凯拉·T.,"The Role of Community-based Organizations in Natural Disaster Recovery and Community Resilience: A Case Study of El Grupo de las Ocho Comunidades Aledañas al Caño Martín Peña, 圣胡安, 波多黎各," Environmental Science (Environmental and Community Land Planning), 养, 2021(主持)
  • 希尔,达斯汀·T., "Toxic Procurement: An Examination of United States Federal Government Contracts, 比例失调, 及公司的环保表现, 2001-2012," Environmental Science (Environmental and 自然资源 Policy), 养, 2021
  • Mokashi, 舒如提, "Forest Gods and Forest Conservation: Evolving Perceptions and Relationships of Local Communities with their Sacred Forests in Western India," Environmental Science (Environmental and Community Land Planning), 养, 2019


  • Finocchiaro, 格蕾丝, "Between International Priorities and Local Realities: The Complex Social-Political Landscape of Marine Turtle Conservation in El Salvador," Environmental Studies (环境政策), 养, 2023(主持)
  • 明, 丹尼尔, "Drinking Water Vulnerability Mapping: PFOA Contamination in Hoosick Falls, 纽约," Environmental Science (Water and Wetland Resource Studies), 养, 2021(椅子)
  • 罗梅罗Fernández,莫瑞·M., "Intercultural and Spiritual Approach to Water and Power in the Communitarian State of Bolivia in Times of Climate Change and Political Transformation," Environmental Studies (环境政策), 养, 2021(主持)
