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Faculty and Staff


Cousins, Joshua, Assistant Professor
PHD, 密歇根大学安娜堡分校, 2016; environmental policy and governance, 水的社会和政治层面, political ecology, political economy of water, green infrastructure, 科学技术研究, political ecology, urban sustainability

Dann, Shari, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1983; MS, Cornell University, 1985; PHD, Michigan State University, 1993; Environmental education and interpretation; Place Based Education; conservation and natural resource education; science learning for K-12, non-formal, and adult programs; education for participatory natural resource stewardship and civic engagement; community engagement for conservation and land/watershed stewardship

Hirsch, Paul, Associate Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1994; MS, University Of Georgia, 2003; PHD, 佐治亚理工学院主校区, 2008; integrative thinking and problem-solving, water planning, biodiversity conservation, science-policy interface, 环境思想与伦理, policy analysis, 公众参与与决策, environmental valuation, complexity, 参与式观察法和调查法, discourse analysis, environmental policy, climate governance, policy science divide

Kayira, Jean, Associate Professor
BED, University of Malawi, 1991; MA, Clark University, 2004; PHD, University of Saskatchewan, 2013; Indigenous knowledge systems, food sovereignty, 非殖民化和土著研究方法, community-based research, 青年参与行动研究, climate change education, and culturally responsive & equitable evaluation

Kohl, Patrice, Assistant Professor
BA, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, 2004; MA, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, 2013; PHD, 威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校, 2018; science and environmental communication; journalism; scientists and public engagement; public perceptions, 态度和行为意图. 主要采用定量、调查和实验研究方法. 研究公众对气候变化等主题的看法和沟通, invasive species, 利用先进的基因工程工具进行保护, space junk

Lee, Eun Kyung, Assistant Professor
BA, 明尼苏达州立大学穆尔黑德分校, 2010; MPH, Tufts University, 2014; PHD, SUNY At Albany, 2019; Environmental health inequities and environmental justice; place-based disparities; racial and socio-economic disparities; chronic disease prevention; food systems; causal inference and mixed methods; community-level interventions and public policy.

Limpert, Christina, Instructor
PHD, Syracuse University, 2013; Gender, schooling, and popular culture, 城市社区参与和倡导, youth climate activism, 民族志和参与性行动研究, 环境电影研究, 暴力和军事化的环境层面, 社会媒体和公众对环境威胁和生态系统健康的看法

Luzadis, Valerie, Professor
BS, Cornell University, 1983; MS, Cornell University, 1990; PHD, 博彩平台环境科学与林业学院, 1997; ecological economics, ecosystem services, policy, 社交和娱乐方面, 可再生能源森林管理, watershed management, 自然资源政策和价值观, sustainable development, renewable energy, 参与式决策

Mikulewicz, Michael, Assistant Professor
BA, University of Aberdeen, 2010; MS, 加州州立大学富勒顿分校, 2012; PHD, University of Manchester, 2018; critical human geography, climate justice, 国际气候政策 & 治理,适应,复原力 & vulnerability, environmental justice, urban sustainability, international development, political ecology, 多数世界的农业, critical theory incl. (eco-)feminism, queer theory, neo-Marxism, postcolonial theory), intersectionality, LGBTQ+ studies, participatory methods

Moran, Sharon, Associate Professor
BA, Boston University, 1981; MS, 麻省理工学院, 1989; PHD, Clark University, 2000; environmental policy, 人的层面的水/废水问题, political ecology, environment-society关系, 绿色创新技术, 后共产主义国家的环境问题, 定性研究方法, gender and nature, sustainability indicators, emergent technologies, environmental justice, 公共政策中的道德框架

Nyblade, Madeline, Assistant Professor
BS, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学主校区, 2018; PHD, 明尼苏达大学双城分校, 2023; Water justice; community-based participatory research; climate and landcover change impacts and adaptation; Indigenous Nation - University collaborations; research ethics; critical history of earth science

Parker, Andrea, Professor
BS, Michigan State University, 2003; MS, Texas A&M University, 2006; PHD, Texas A&M University, 2010; environmental communication; science and technology communication; wildlife conservation and policy; climate change mitigation and adaptation discourse and decision-making; environmental advocacy; environmental and natural resources conflict management; qualitative and critical methods; program evaluation methods; conflict; public participation; energy;wildlife management

Selfa, Theresa, Professor and Chair
BA, Whitman College, 1984; MCP, 加州大学伯克利分校, 1992; PHD, Cornell University, 2001; Environmental Governance; Politics of Agri-Food and Energy Systems; Livelihood Impacts of Land Use Change; International Development and Social Change; Environmental Certification and Labelling; Latin America and US

Shinn, Jamie, Assistant Professor
BA, Colorado College, 2004; MA, 堪萨斯大学主校区, 2010; PHD, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学主校区, 2015; Environmental governance and policy, climate change adaptation, water-society关系, flooding, political ecology, 灾难响应和恢复

Smardon, Richard荣誉教授
BS, 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校, 1970; MLA, 马萨诸塞大学阿姆赫斯特分校, 1973; wetland assessment and management, 景观管理政策, 公众参与与决策, sustainable development, eco-tourism, 生物圈保护区管理

Sonnenfeld, David, Emeritus
BA, University Of Oregon, 1973; MA, 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校, 1991; PHD, 加州大学圣克鲁斯分校, 1996; environmental sociology; comparative environmental politics; sustainable transitions; water governance; East and Southeast Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Caribbean; field, 历史和混合研究方法

Togami, Chie, Assistant Professor
BA, Williams College, 2013; MA, University Of Pittsburgh-Main Campus, 2018

Weiss, Jill, Assistant Professor
BS, New York University, 2003; PHD, 安提阿新英格兰研究生院, 2016; Socio-ecological systems, co-adaptive management, collaboration and trust, knowledge transfer, 实践社区和社会网络, communication theories, landscape ecology, 康乐管治及道德, environmental education, 保护行为和心理学, organizational management, strategic planning, and assessment. Subjects: stewardship, 大片连续的生物区, alpine zone, trail systems, public open space, bikes, urban forestry. Methods: Surveys, interviews, mixed method approaches, case studies, grounded theory, 参与式行动研究.

Whitmore, Benette, Assistant Professor
BA, Queen's University, 1977; MA, Syracuse University, 1980; PHD, Syracuse University, 2011; digital storytelling, filmmaking, screenwriting, 对环境的创造性反应, public relations management, science education